Day 2 - Gradient descent - #66DaysofData Challenge

 By Jerin Lalichan 

1. Gradient Descent

    Gradient descent is an optimization algorithm which is commonly used to train machine learning models and neural networks. Optimization is the process of minimizing the cost function in an algorithm.

Types of Gradient descent 

  1. Batch Gradient descent 
    In this, all the training sample is used for calculations in each iteration, which makes this a time-consuming process if it's a large dataset. ie, It uses all samples for one forward pass and then adjusts weights.

  2. Stochastic Gradient descent
    In this, not all the samples, but one sample selected randomly will undergo forward pass and the weight gets adjusted.

  3. Mini-batch Gradient descent
    In this, a batch of samples, selected randomly will undergo forward pass and weight gets adjusted.

Gradient descent in Linear Regression

In Linear regression, the cost function is the Mean squared error or root mean square error. The parameters(θ) are the Slope and Intercept of the line. Our target is to reduce the cost function. And it can be done by finding the best parameters ie, slope, and intercept. The best value is found using the gradient descent algorithm's iterations.

The Gradient descent algorithm is given by:

  • θj : Weights of the hypothesis.
  • hθ(xi) : predicted y value for ith input. 
  • j : Feature index number (can be 0, 1, 2, ......, n). 
  • α : Learning Rate of Gradient Descent.
After several iterations, the cost function will approach the global minima. So the iterations will stop either by reaching the maximum number of steps or the slope of the cost function reaches very close to zero. The corresponding parameters will be selected and applied to the model 

    I am doing a challenge - #66DaysofData  in which I will be learning something new from the Data Science field for 66 days, and I will be posting daily topics on my LinkedIn, On my GitHub repository, and on my blog as well.

Stay Curious!  



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