Day 12 - How to find the best K value in K-Means Algorithm - Elbow Curve
How to do it?
Clustering algorithms like K-Means need the user to input the number of clusters to be formed. For this, we need to find the optimum number of clusters to be generated. A commonly used method is using the Elbow Curve.
Elbow Curve / Knee Curve
K means works in a way to reduce the Within-cluster sum of squares (WCSS) is minimized. In this method, we vary the value of K from 1 to 10.
For each value of K, the WCSS is calculated. WCSS is nothing but the sum of squares of the distance between each value and their corresponding cluster centroid.
When the K goes higher, WCSS decreases. And from the above graph, we can see that WCSS shows a rapid change at a certain point (here K=5), and the line gets parallel to the X axis. And this point is called the Elbow point and is taken as the optimum value of K.
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