Day 21 - Plotting in Seaborn

        By Jerin Lalichan 

Different categories of plot in Seaborn

    Plots are mainly used to show how different variables relate to one another. These variables can be either wholly numerical or a category like a group, class, or division. Seaborn divides the plot into the below categories.

  1. Relational plots: This plot is used to understand the relation between two variables.

  2. Categorical plots: This plot deals with categorical variables and how they can be visualized.

  3. Distribution plots: This plot is used for examining univariate and bivariate distributions

  4. Regression plots: The regression plots in seaborn are primarily intended to add a visual guide that helps to emphasize patterns in a dataset during exploratory data analyses.

  5. Matrix plots: A matrix plot is an array of scatterplots.

  6. Multi-plot grids: It is a useful approach to draw multiple instances of the same plot on different subsets of the dataset.

Some basic plots using seaborn

Dist plot : 

Seaborn dist plot is used to plot a histogram, with some other variations like kdeplot and rugplot.


  I am doing a challenge - #66DaysofData  in which I will be learning something new from the Data Science field for 66 days, and I will be posting daily topics on my LinkedIn, On my GitHub repository, and on my blog as well.

Stay Curious!  


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