Day 6 - K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algorithm

    By Jerin Lalichan 

KNN Algorithm

It is a supervised Machine learning algorithm, which can be used for both regression and classification problems. In this algorithm: 
  1. The distance between the test data point and all the training  data points is calculated 

  2. The nearest K number of points is selected 

  3. In the case of Regression, the average of those points is taken as the predicted value.

  4. In the case of Classification, the probability for each class is calculated and the output will be the class with the highest probability.

  •  Euclidean distance

  •  Manhattan distance

KNN is a Lazy Learner?

Generally, algorithms can be of two types, lazy learners and eager learners. Eager learners make a generalization with the training data set before receiving test data in order to predict the output of test data. But lazy learner, say KNN, it doesn't make a generalization, ie, no model is created with the training data. Instead, it waits until the arrival of test data to do the math. So basically, eager learners work during training and work less during testing. It's just reverse in the case of KNN.

Advantages of KNN 

  • It is very simple and easy to execute

  • Easy to understand the math behind the algorithm

  • No training is needed

  • No hyperparameter tuning required

  • Doesn't make any assumptions about the distribution of data

Disadvantages of KNN 

  • Since it doesn't create a model, it requires a lot of storage space to store the training data

  • It takes time to calculate the distance from each test point to all of the training data points.

  • Finding the optimum value of K.

  • Not suitable for higher dimensional data

  I am doing a challenge - #66DaysofData  in which I will be learning something new from the Data Science field for 66 days, and I will be posting daily topics on my LinkedIn, On my GitHub repository, and on my blog as well.

Stay Curious!  


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